Plastikman / Alessandro Cortini / Sonoio

Very into Plastikman’s 1998 album Consumed at the moment, which is very deep, very minimal techno, steeped in reverb and delay. It came to my attention via the new release of Consumed In Key, which is Gonzalez improving piano over the top of the original album. This is all well and good in concept, but it made me just want the unadulterated original. Turns out one of the tracks from Consumed (Ekko) is featured on Alessandro Cortini’s FACT mix from a few years ago, which I also recommend if you like this sort of stuff.

On that subject, I’ve also been reacquainting myself with Sonoio, which is AC’s modular synth-pop project from the 2010s. He gave away half of each of the first two albums as free downloads and they were on heavy rotation for me when I was skint and couldn’t afford much music. I now think of them as belonging together.