
  • No entries for a few days because I’ve been on a short break to the seaside. It was restorative. Folkestone was a pleasant surprise. A lot of public art along the sea front, most of a much higher quality than you probably imagine.

  • While away, I had an idea that I’m keen to get going on. I could not sleep when I thought of it, but that might be the combination of a stuffy hotel room and too much pizza. I sketched out a design and wrote a first draft on my phone.

  • Some preliminary tests for said book today.

  • Email heavy day, contacting exhibition organisers and sending invoices. Sometimes admin is incredibly validating.

  • Looked through last redraft of short story. Some tightening needed, but it’s getting there. On to the fifth serious draft and the meaning of it’s still coming out.

  • Doing some costing on the board book, trying to determine the right number to make that will cover costs (including the many prototypes). Sourcing equipment is also a factor. Have been putting feelers out for access to machinery needed to make it nice. Not perfect, maybe, but nice.

  • Have lost my notecards and can’t put new projects up on the board. Calamity.