Second Class Irregulars

A postal art mailing List

Second Class Irregulars began in 2015 when I began sending odd little printed things to friends and family. It was my pathway into experimental publishing and allowed me to play around with different forms. I enjoyed it very much and it led to my current path as a book artist.

Although the frequency of these Irregulars has waxed and waned over the years, it still forms a core part of my work. As of 2023, I’ve made some 30-odd pieces for the list, all of which have been sent to some or all of the subscribers.

A recent expansion of my online postage account means some slots have opened up on the list. If you’d like to get odd little things in the post now and then, please use the form below to sign up. You’ll receive items in the post before I post about them here or on social media. A big part of the project is to reawaken the idea that getting something in the post can be a nice surprise.

I’m also experimenting with an e-mail newsletter, which might contain downloads or online versions of some of the items which you can print out and make yourself. Or it might not. It’s early days and I’m still working things out.

It’s all offered for free, but there’s a donate button at the bottom of the page if you’d like to contribute towards the cost of postage and copy paper.